What was the most despicable, dishonorable deed you've ever done as Arthur and why? How did you feel after?
I've had my share of shootin' up the whole town and committing mass murder just for kicks, but they seem way too tame compared to the madman that is Edmund Lowry. I don't think my Arthur could ever surpass his dark deeds.
Have you ever done anything you found so personally despicable and horrendous in the game as Arthur? Care to share what, why, and what you felt after, you heartless monster? 😂🤣
I've had my share of shootin' up the whole town and committing mass murder just for kicks, but they seem way too tame compared to the madman that is Edmund Lowry. I don't think my Arthur could ever surpass his dark deeds.
Have you ever done anything you found so personally despicable and horrendous in the game as Arthur? Care to share what, why, and what you felt after, you heartless monster? 😂🤣